Our Philosophy

We share the vision of providing the best possible care for all children in our center.

Our mission is to provide a Christian environment, in a small setting, where happy caregivers help children grow in a relaxed atmosphere learning in all areas of development at their own pace.

Our program is built on the 'image of the child.' We see children as made in the image of God. We collaborate with them as they discover and learn in an environment that is based on the principles of respect, responsibility and community. Through exploration and discovery in a supportive and enriching environment.

Our program includes children controlling the direction of their learning, by experiencing touch, movement, listening, hearing, and seeing. Relationships with other children and with material items in the world are formed through exploration. Self-expression is encouraged in multiple ways.

We recognize the beauty of infants and are aware of all the incredible ways that they are developing. Through loving care and a supportive environment we seek to assist parents in the incredible task of helping infants develop into healthy and happy preschoolers.